Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year! and full disclosure

I hope this year brings you health and happiness!
After re-reading this blog, I realized that I haven't ever talked about anything else but food and mostly raw food. I thought that I should disclose that I am not a pure raw foodist or even a vegetarian. Although I was trying to include lots of raw food into my life, I have never been a raw foodist. So with this being the beginning of the new year and people making resolutions (which I do not do) I thought full disclosure was in order.
Also I would like to talk about other interesting things in my life such as family life, kids, unschooling, adoption, faith and my obsessions- I mean hobbies, cracking restaurant recipes, scrapbooking, arts/crafts, photography, thrifting, square foot gardening and my deep desire to be organized but always fail to get there. I know that there will be an occasional rant on here as well.
So I will hopefully be posting more often.
Here's to 2011!

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