Thursday, January 12, 2012

Back to blogging!

Hello! Where has the time gone?? I have been attending our local raw meet ups over the past few months and tried some fun recipes. Right now I am participating in a raw challenge to be 30 days raw in the month of January. It is going well. I also gave up coffee almost 3 weeks ago. That was much harder than eating raw. I still miss her, my friend coffee but I am less cranky. I am not sure the 2 are related but I will take it!
One of the pot lucks I attended was a pizza making class. The food was delicious and the company was great. Here is a couple of pics of the fresh live food.


  1. Hi there.
    Welcome back to blog land.

    I missed coffee alot when I went raw. But I now make a chai tea with almond milk that is awesome. That helps alot.

    Happy New Year

  2. Hey there,
    I know you like to make green juices, I was wondering what kind of juicer you have? I just went through two juicers in one week, the motor burned out, one was a bella cucina and the other a juiceman

  3. I have the juiceman jr. I have had a lot of luck with it. I had the bella cucina and it worked 3 times!

  4. Hi Frannie,
    I have been drinking chai this week and it is helping with cravings :)

  5. How was the raw pizza? That is one of the transitions I am having a very hard time with. How does the raw crust taste compared to the dough/baked kind?

  6. It doesn't taste like dough/baked dough. It is very dense and rich with ground nuts. If you have had the onion bread (I posted about in an earlier post) it makes a good pizza crust base. I like it pretty thin.

  7. Hi Queen of Kale!
    A Kale loving friend sent me your blog address and I noticed that you have started juicing. Congratulations! I bet you feel great! I used to juice until I found an even easier way of getting all of those raw fruits and veggies in my body. If you would like info, please email me at
